Since having Austen (how is he nearly four months old already????), I seem to have lost my mojo. Before finding out I was pregnant with him, I was on the tail-end of losing a large amount of weight and was closing in on my goal., not so much. I gained entirely too much during my pregnancy with him and despite breastfeeding, I am still up thirty pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. Ugh. Not a good feeling when none of your clothes fit right and the scale is not moving in the right direction, if at all!
So, what's a girl to do? For one, I need to stop making excuses. I know how to eat clean and the fact is, I am extremely hit and miss on this lately. I will go a few weeks doing a great job and then the craving monster will visit and I will eat horribly for a week. Secondly, I need to exercise. As much as I would love to say that "breastfeeding is like having a treadmill strapped to my chest" like I've heard others say, that is not, and has never been, the case for me. I am just not one of the lucky ones who drop weight simply by nursing.
I have decided that Austen is old enough now to go back to what worked for me a year ago. (You can read about it here on my "old" blog). When I first started doing the hcg diet, I was nursing a 10 month old Chloe so I am confident that 21 days of a restrictive diet will not impact our nursing relationship. It should go without saying (but I will say it anyways) that if I notice a lack of milk supply, I will immediately stop my round as Austen is my #1 priority.
Because this program is very restrictive, one of the things I stress the most to our clients is to check the calendar and make sure there are no social commitments during a round. Planning is the key to success with this! My 34th birthday is May 26th so I have decided that will be my first day (the first two days on this plan is to eat like a pig so it will be perfect timing!). I plan on doing 2 rounds over the summer month and then re-evaluating my goals. Stay tuned!