Thursday, June 30, 2011

Our New Additions

Welcome to our new blog! This is taking the place of our other blogs so this is now where you will come to find out about all things McMillen so update your bookmarks!

How did I come up with our new name? When Tucker was a baby, my Aunt Kelly told me he looked just like a Precious Moments figurine. In fact, when my Aunt Kyla mailed me this ornament, I burst into tears because it was *so* Tucker!

Teardrop-shaped eyes, cute button nose, angelic look. It dawned on me that he really did look like a Precious Moment! When Chloe arrived and looked just like Big Brother, the same comparisons were made. I can only assume Baby #3 (nicknamed Gravy) will follow suit!

Gravy is due in January of 2012 and we couldn't be more excited! I had my second appointment today. The doctor couldn't find Gravy's heartbeat with the doppler (I am 11 weeks so that is not uncommon) so he did a quick sonogram. Gravy looks great and his/her heartbeat was 155.