Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Aliens of the Uterine Kind

I know I am in the minority here, but 3D sonogram images completely fa-reak me out. I have ZERO desire to have one done. How is this (3D image of 13 week old baby, the same age as Gravy) supposed to make me feel good about my baby?

Creepy. Totally creepy. And have you seen the ones done of term babies? They appear to have huge holes missing from their heads and look more like fetal demise pictures.

Granted, I am not one to get super attached and obsessed with my babies until they are here (some kind of weird detachment on my part, I guess), but I can't help but wonder if I am the only woman out there who finds these disturbing? Pay hundreds of dollars out of pocket to get images that make me totally neurotic about the appearance and health of my baby? Um, no thank you.

Settling In

Our big transition to the new place is complete. Even though we downsized considerably, the kids are absolutely loving it here! They love sharing a room and for the first time since birth, Tucker is sleeping all night long by himself in his room! No more climbing in bed with Mommy in the middle of the night, no more waking up screaming, no more bedtime struggles! Can I get a Woo Hoo?!

What has apartment living been like for the adults? We hope and pray that only one person needs to use the potty at any given moment, I wash all dishes by hand, and I am channeling my long lost overly anal persona and have gone toy/clutter-nazi on the fam. It's good though, it's nice to be part of a small, friendly community with the confidence that moving here is the right decision for our family. I am very excited for our future!

Next up on our plate is to bust our butts to get our house ready to sell. We have made a lot of progress in the last week, but next week will slow us down as both of our parents are taking much needed vacations so we won't have "built in" childcare. We'll do what we can, which more than likely means the kids and one parent (me, more than likely) will hang back while the other one works on the house. Our goal is listing by August 1st. We will also be having a big moving sale right before listing so I am still going through all of our stuff and deciding what goes to storage and what goes bye-bye.