Thursday, June 28, 2012


Austen got his first tooth today on the bottom right!  He was only mildly fussy, nothing a few Hyland's Teething Tablets couldn't help!  I sure do hope he continues to be a good teether like Chloe was, Tucker always, always spiked huge fevers when he would get teeth and it was not fun at all!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Here Comes the Sun

It is soooo hot this week!!!!  It is supposed to be over 100 every day this week, ugh!  I am NOT a hot weather girl, I much prefer spring and fall but I am very thankful I am not pregnant this summer (sorry, Jill!)!  I feel for all the pregnant mommas this time of year! 

I am slowly getting out of my funk.  I think a lot of my mood change is due to finally reading Kelle Hampton's book, Bloom.  Gosh, I love that lady and her blog.  I admit, I used to rely on negativity and sarcasm as my way of life but have really turned that around since becoming a mom and Kelle's blog has been a huge part of my more positive outlook.  It takes effort to find the positive in things, especially when you feel like you can't catch a break, but the positive is there if you are willing to open your eyes and find it.  And with that, I am moving forward with my chin up and a smile on my face! 

And to kick off my new attitude, let's do a catch up of my beautiful children!

Capturing his beautiful auburn hair before his summer buzz cut

 Tucker has really been developing his imagination lately.  He loves for me to "announce" him and describe the obstacle course of his choosing as if we are doing a play-by-play sporting event.  He loves riding his bike, collecting (and accidentally killing) bugs of all kinds, is slightly obsessed with Spiderman, and loves to go to Grammie and Papa's house.  He has started to have some more food issues in addition to the intolerance to food dyes.  I am feeling hopeful of the track I'm on with identifying his triggers though and look forward to the day that we are done with them! 

My kitty girl

 Chloe continues to be full of sass and sweetness.  She loves to play Mommy and Baby.  She loves to be held and will look up at me with her big brown eyes and designate me as the Mommy <insert any animal you can think of here> and she is the Baby.  As evidenced by her picture, she asks to be a kitty almost every day and she wants a kitty birthday party this year.  Lest I forget, she puked in the peanut bucket at my birthday celebration at Texas Roadhouse last month!  I really need to be better about writing about all of their funny stories because I know I am forgetting soooo much!  She is a September 2nd baby so she misses the preschool start date by one day.  They said I could go ahead and start her if I wanted but I decided not to.  I don't want all of her friends to move on to kindergarten in a couple years when she would be left behind.  It seems much more kind to start her with the class she will graduate with even though she will be one of the oldest in her class.

Mr. Bright Eyes
Sweet Austen is just that, sweet as can be!  He is just happy as a clam and has the most intoxicating smile!  I actually get butterflies in my tummy when he smiles at me sometimes!  He is rolling over both ways and is starting to put his knees underneath him.  He is not quite ready to sit on his own yet but I don't think it will be much longer.  He is also about to get his first tooth, I can feel it under his gums.  Tucker and Chloe love him so much and they are so great with him!  He laughs easily and has the biggest blue eyes, just like his Daddy!   I so hope he keeps them!  He has really thinned out and I think he's around 15 pounds, wearing 3-6 & 6-9 month clothes.