Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Scratch That

Well, I gave it a try, but Simeon's Protocol (the hCG diet) just isn't going to work for me while I'm nursing full time (have I mentioned that Austen still has not taken a bottle?  He is such a stinker!).

I think my milk supply was probably fine, he seemed satisfied but I was seriously craving protein and fat!  I just need to listen to my body and come to accept that the weight loss (for now) will have to be slow.  I am going back to a low carb/Paleo type of eating but I am going to keep an eye on my calories.  I'm not going to "count" calories, but I have a tendency to use an obscene amount of heavy cream in my coffee so I will make sure I don't go overboard on things like that. 

The good news is that I did lose my "load" weight so I'm not carrying that over with me.  I am very much looking forward to eating a normal amount of food tomorrow!