Monday, September 5, 2011

Blue Gravy and Guilt by Dr. Seuss

Not really by Dr. Seuss, but Tucker has decided that every book is written by Dr. Seuss.  I can read the title to any book and Tucker will follow it with, "by Dr. Suess."

Me:  Tonight's book is Goodnight, Moon
Tucker: by Dr. Seuss

Big Seuss fans in this house, I tell ya. 

Where was I?  Oh yeah.  Just the wee bitty small announcement that baby Gravy is a BOY!  I had my sonogram weeks ago and it has taken me this long to post about it (enter Guilt, stage left).  It's true.  Your first baby, you document every detail with words and pictures.  Every single month on the 21st, I would sit down after Tucker was in bed and write in his baby book the happenings of that particular month. 

Um, Chloe's name isn't even written in hers yet and we don't have 1/8 of the pictures of her.  I have no idea how old she was when she got her first tooth and can't even recall her first word.  Terrible!  And, apparently this will only get worse for Gravy.  The other two kids had blogs of their own pretty much as soon as the pregnancy test told me they were coming and poor Gravy is just lumped into the family blog.  And belly pictures?  P'shaw!  I have taken ONE belly picture, whereas I documented my expanding waistline every two weeks with the other two, starting at 12 weeks.   

Observe:  Gravy Belly at 18 weeks (and most of this belly is more due to poor choices, like actual gravy, than Baby Gravy.  Ironic.)

The sonogram showdown:  Ryan missed it.  Typical Ryan, he didn't leave work in time and missed the whole thing.  So, I"m laying there, feeling like I'm having a girl and am watching Gravy like a hawk trying to get a glimpse of the nether region.  I saw what I thought were the 3 lines indicating girl a few times but the sonographer said nothing.  Finally, I said, "I already saw what the baby is, so if you're waiting to tell me until my husband gets here, there's no need."  She looked surprised and said she hadn't even looked yet and always waits until the very last to make sure she has gotten all the views of the other organs she needs for the report.  She then starts investigating gender and points out the scrotum and penis to me.  What?! 

I was so surprised!  Shows how much I know!  It was really fun to be so surprised and proven wrong ( you will NEVER hear me say that again, by the way), I seriously could not stop smiling all day!  Here are the pictures and a video we got of Gravy...from the profile picture, I think we are going to have another mini-Ryan! 

And here is how I told Tucker and Chloe they are getting a baby brother.  Please excuse the sing-song preschool teacher voice and inflections, it cannot be helped.  ha

It's a Baby Brother!

*disclaimer #1: yes, this video takes place on a bed, which I realize seems totally weird to those who don't know how my parents' house works.  Their bedroom is the size of a living room and is kind of Grand Central Station in their house, it's where we all hang out.
*disclaimer #2: I have never taught Tucker that girls and boys should choose certain colors as their favorite, he has determined this on his own and insists that is how it should be.  If he loves pink tomorrow, that's A-Okay with me.  Oh, and my mom painted his toenails once and I thought it was cute even though he hated it and wanted it off right away.  Gender roles, shmender roles.