Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Happy Birthday, Baby Aussie

Dear Aussie, Aussers, Austen Boston, Bubba, Little Turd,

You are One today.

Happy Birthday, Little Mister!

You are such an incredible little man.  I don't know if it's because you are my last baby or because of our bond over your birth, but you are magical.  Magical in more ways than I can count.

Your eyes.  You have the most breathtaking indigo eyes with eyelashes any woman would covet.  They are your Daddy's eyes and the first time I saw his, I knew.  He was my destiny and so are you.

Your smile.  It gives me butterflies.  Your whole face lights up and those gorgeous eyes sparkle and 7 (almost 8!) teeny tiny toofers make their appearance.  

Your hair.  Strawberry blonde and just starting to show the signs of curls.  Hair that soaks with sweat when you sleep, hair that you pull on the rare occasion you decide to have a meltdown. 

Your personality.  You love to cuddle and snuggle and I am going to admit that you have me wrapped around your little finger.  Did you know that you have been held for every single nap you've had outside of your carseat?  Spoiled, loved, could call it many things I suppose.  I don't regret one single minute of it.

Your loves.  You love milkies from Mommy.  In the past two months, you have really taken to eating solids and your favorites right now are broccoli, string cheese, yogurt melts, bananas, and meats.  You love playing with Tucker and Chloe and you love Daddy, especially when he tosses you into the air.  Your Grandparents are also at the top of your list of favorite people.  Grandma and Grandpa & Grammie and Papa are the ones who watch you while I work a couple of days a week.   You love dogs and pant and make an attempt at a "woof" when you see them.   You also love bathtime and you throw a fit when it's time to get out of the water.  Speaking of bathtime, you are obsessed with trying to sneak into the bathroom anytime the door is left open.  That's gross, Austen.  Please stop. 

Your dislikes.  Sleeping alone, getting buckled in the carseat, diaper changes, getting dressed.  I am lucky that this list is short!  You are such an agreeable little man!

Your talents and skills.  You can sign for "milk" and "more" and we are working on please, eat and thank you.  You can say "mama", "dada", "more", and "banana."  You are starting to stand unassisted but aren't quite ready to walk yet, but I think it will be soon!  You love to babble and you have such a cute raspy voice.  You like to imitate and shake your head no.  You are a tiny little thing, you only weigh 16.5 pounds, up just 5.5 since you were born!  You wear 6-9 month and some 12 month clothes.  

As I rocked you tonight while you nursed, I noted that the clock ticked past 8:03pm, the time you were born.  I rubbed your little head, just as I did one year ago tonight.  Coincidentally, the chair I rocked you in tonight is in the exact location you were born, right here in our living room.  We trusted each other so much that night, I listened to you and you listened to me.  We were a team.  We are a team.

I can't wait to soak up the next year of your life, Austen Grey.  I love you more with every second that passes.  You are destined for greatness and I will be there every step of the way cheering you on!