Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, Tucker!

Dear Tucker Shay,

Today you turned five years old!  We are in the middle of the second biggest blizzard Kansas has ever seen and Daddy couldn't wait for you to wake up today!  You came out of your room with a smile on your face, like you always do.  You are such a morning person!  I have no idea how that happened.  You were wearing your "bones" jammies, which are black pajamas with glow-in-the-dark skeleton bones on them.  You usually just sleep in your underwear so you must have been cold last night! 

You climbed up on my lap and sat with me in the rocking chair for a few minutes.  I decided to ask you some questions about what it was like for you to be five, the conversation went like this:

Mommy:  How old are you today, Tucker?
You:  I'm five!!!!
Mommy:  What is your favorite color?
You: Orange (this was a first, you usually say blue!)
Mommy:  Who is your favorite friend?
You:  Garrison (a boy in your preschool class)
Mommy:  What is your favorite food?
You:  Grapes  (Seriously???  What about pizza, PB&J, hamburgers, pancakes, etc.!!!)
Mommy:  What do you want to be when you grow up?
You:  A Dad.
Mommy:  Oh really?  How many kids would you like to have?
You:  One.  A boy baby.
Mommy:  What would you name him?
You:  Austen Scott. 

You are so cute!  Thank you for letting me interview you.  I interviewed you again later in the day with the video camera.  You pretty much stuck to these exact answers though, only exchanging grapes for oranges! 

You spent the day mostly playing in the snow.  Daddy pulled you and Chloe on a sled with the 4-wheeler and you had a great time!  You wanted to go to Pizza Hut for your birthday dinner and luckily they were open!  Most places were closed due to the snowstorm. 

After dinner we came home and you opened your presents from us.  And this is where I beamed with pride.  You were so excited and gracious about every single gift you received.  I was worried that I didn't get you anything really cool, but as it turns out, plastic bugs may have been the coolest gift ever in your little mind!  You thanked us for each thing and showed genuine enthusiasm even when you opened sweatpants.  You are such an exceptional boy!  You are also really excited to start the piano lessons I told you about.

You told us you loved us about a million times before bed and you even indulged me in a hug and kiss at 7:15pm, the time you were born.  I am so proud of you, Tucker.  I am so lucky to be your Mom.  You physically favor your Dad but you have mostly my personality.  You are a little OCD, very organized, you have to know everything that will happen ahead of time, and you ask a bazillion questions a day!  You love preschool and will be our little student.  The sky truly is the limit for you!  I love you so very much baby boy (yes, I still call you that!)! 

Love you forever,

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sprinkle Toes

I am loving my idea of using my blog as a replacement for my kid notebooks!  Sorry to those of you who would rather read other ramblings! 

Chloe was sitting at the table for lunch today when a look of panic and pain washed over her face.  She looked down at her foot, looked at me, looked down at her foot and I could tell she was disturbed by something. 

"Chloe, what's wrong with your foot?"

"It's sprinkling!"

Poor dear had been sitting on her foot and it fell asleep, haha!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I'm So Over It.

I realize I am in the minority here, because according to Pinterest and my Facebook feed, these things are on trend.  All they do for me is make me wish I could fast forward to the next new thing.

My "What the Poo?" List:
Chevron pattern.
Fingernail art.
Toms shoes.
Most of the art made from foot/handprints (some really is cute).
Body by Vi (or any other multi-level marketing business).
Headless photography.

Monday, February 18, 2013


I was rocking and nursing Austen tonight before bed.  I could feel he was fighting sleep, I could feel his head get heavy with sleep and quickly snap back up as he fought dreamland.  The lights were low, the tv was on and I was deep in thought about something I don't even remember. 

Out of nowhere, Austen sat up and yelled, "Boo!"  I laughed, thinking he was playing a game with me but then I realized that floating above our heads was his helium balloon from his party three weeks ago, he said "boon!"  How cute!