Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Happy New Year! 

I know that this blog has become quiet but according to my stats toolbar, people are still peeking in on me!  There are many post topics that I have rolling around in my head and I am hoping to share some of those soon. 

I have been struggling with finding my voice in the blogging world.  I have so much to say, mostly about childhood nutrition, but I struggle because I don't want to come across as preachy or know-it-all and with written word, sometimes tone and intention is lost. 

So, I guess consider this my disclaimer for future posts.  I will blog about what I am passionate about, but please realize that it comes from a place of wanting to help and wanting to spread the word about different topics.  Some of the topics I intend to talk about this year range from food dyes, food sensitivity testing, routine infant circumcision, and probably plenty "I wish I would have known then" posts. 

Interspersed in my ramblings, I intend to also include plenty of pictures and stories about The Clones.  Ryan got me an awesome new camera for Christmas, and even though I have no idea how to work it yet, I am loving having better quality pictures to share!  I am on the lookout for some basic photography classes so I can hopefully develop a new hobby! 

Other things that will happen this year that I am excited (and scared) for:  my 35th birthday in May (WHAT!?), the fact that I verbally committed to completing The Warrior Dash in June with my friend Becky (OMG!), I joined the YMCA and plan to start working out regularly again, which I have not done since, oh, about 1998 (yes, 1998).  2013:  Bring it, I'm ready!