Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Chloe-isms overheard while playing:

"Run!!!  It's a ci-wotey!"  (coyote)

She also calls Snoopy, "Snoofy"

Me llamo Tuh-Tuh

I have a notebook for each child that I bought last year when I was pregnant with Austen.  I had grand ideas of writing to each one on a regular basis.  Insert Mommy Fail.  I have written to Tucker and Chloe once, and Austen's book only contains his footprints from his first week of life.  Sigh.

After I realized I was not fulfilling my intention of filling the books of heartfelt words to each of them, I decided I would have just one notebook for all of the kids and I would fill it with all of the funny and sweet one-liners they come up with.  Insert Mommy Fail #2.

The problem with this is that I forget in the moment, it never gets written down and then inevitably I forget what was even said.  That makes me sad, that I'm forgetting some of the hysterical, smart, quirky things they come up with because my notebook is out of sight, out of mind.

Enter my computer.  My laptop sits open in our living room on an end table and is on all day long.  I hop on and off throughout the day to check email or Facebook so I think I may be able to post all of the things originally intended for the notebooks.  I will tag them with each child's name involved in said conversation or story so they can easily be found later.

Which brings me to this mornings "ism" as I like to call them.  This one was a Tuckerism..

I was in the rocking chair this morning with all three kids and we were trying to get Austen to say their names.

Me:  Austen, can you say "Tucker?"
Austen:  (pointing at Tucker) Tuh-Tuh
Me:  Tucker!  Austen just said your name!!!
Tucker:  (raising one eyebrow) Was he speaking Spanish?