Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tucker Update

Tucker is really starting to develop his imagination.  The other day we were driving in the car and for the first time he saw shapes in the clouds.  "Mama!  A dinosaur in the clouds!"  He was so excited and then just a minute or so later he saw an airplane shape.  It totally reminded me of my childhood, I remember laying in the yard looking at the clouds for what seemed like hours finding different shapes. 

He is also big into pretending to be a dinosaur, and let me tell you, he can be pretty scary when he does it!  He curls his toes under, makes his hands into claws, stomps loudly and gets a very convincing grimace on his face.  And lest I forget, a growl that often petrifies his sister!  I will try to get it on video (and be better overall about posting pics and videos!).

He channels that dinosaur attitude on occasion when he is unhappy with me.  Yesterday he dared to point his finger in my face while scowling and talking very sternly to me.  Mama don't play that game.  I told him to sit in time out, that I would not be talked to that way.  When he refused, I calmly picked him up and started carrying him to his room for time out.  That is when he decided it would be a (not so) wise decision to hit/slap me three times in the face.  Um, no sir.  He earned himself a few well-deserved spankings and came out the other end much more pleasant and agreeable.  Nothing wrong with a little attitude adjustment delivered via hand to the bottom. 

He is starting preschool at the end of the month and I don't know who is more excited, me or him!  I am so excited for him to interact with other littles and make some friends in our new town.  I know he is going to flourish in school, as was evidenced today by his interaction with a few other kids at a store.  This store has a play area for kids and he was so friendly and polite to the others, he introduced himself and asked their names and then played cooperatively.  I was so proud of him for being outgoing and friendly.  I am so pleased that he doesn't seemed to be plagued with the shyness that Ryan and I have/had. 

He loves the baby soooo much!  Every day, he tells me he loves the baby (well, he also tells me he loves his peepee every day, already penis obsessed at the ripe age of 3!) and gives my belly a hug and a kiss.  He insists the baby is a girl, he won't even entertain the thought that it may be a boy.  He also tells me how much he loves me every day and gives me multiple kisses, hugs and tickles throughout the day, which I soak up as I know this stage won't last forever!  He is such pure joy, I am so very lucky to be his Mommy.