Saturday, July 30, 2011

Skidmarked Swimsuit

Funny title to a not-so-funny moment.  And, yes, I am surprised and grateful there was no actual crapping of the swimsuit. 

I took the kids to the Haysville swimming pool today with my sister-in-law, Casey, and her two children.  We were all playing in the baby pool when I looked over and Chloe is under the water in a squat position with her arms flailing above.  I quickly rushed over to where she was (about three feet from me) and pulled her up.  Luckily, she had been holding her breath and she wasn't under very long, but it was enough to startle me.  She immediately told me she needed a towel (love that girl sooo much!).  Let's call that the Skidmark Incident. 

About an hour later, I decided I was going to leave Chloe with Casey and take Tucker on the slide in the deeper kiddie pool.  As I was hoisting my pregnant self out of the pool and getting Tucker out, Casey calls for me in a panicked voice.  I turned around to find Chloe on her back as if she was doing the backfloat, but she was about a foot under the water and had a look of fear and panic on her face.  She had her eyes and mouth open and I could tell she was taking water in.  I jumped in as fast as I could and pulled her up.  She started coughing up water immediately and was very upset.  She was glued to me for a good ten minutes after that.  It was so scary, I can't imagine if we hadn't noticed for a few more seconds.  Let's call that the I Almost Baked Brownies In My Swimsuit Incident.

Just shy of an hour of closing time, they made everyone evacuate the pool in search for a rumored Pool Poop (no, it wasn't me).  We decided it was time to leave at that time and got the kids changed and made our way out.  BOTH of my children, despite knowing better, took off in the parking lot.'t.  Trouble.  BIG TROUBLE.  As if I wasn't already stressed enough over Chloe's near-drownings, having two children run in opposite directions in a parking lot was enough to send me to the grave.  I did my usual "STOP!".  Tucker listened, Chloe did not.  She kept going, making her way to the nearby sand volleyball pit.  I ran after her and grabbed her firmly by the arm, scolded her and gave her a swat on her bottom.  I hurt her feelings and she cried but running in a parking lot simply will not be tolerated.  Too much can happen and all of the scenarios make me ill to even think about.  And let's call that the I Will NEVER Take the Kids to a Public Pool by Myself Ever Again Incident.  From now on, the adult/child ratio must be 1:1 before I will ever consider doing that again.  Too much can be lost in such a short amount of time.  Not worth it. 

Tonight is a night I really wish I could have a glass of wine.

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